Data View Basics


In a data view, each column represents a variable and each row contains the responses from each record in your dataset. Thus, data views provide a way to look at respondent level data, and they are the only way to view open-ended text responses within MarketSight. Enterprise level accounts can also use data views to easily edit and clean data within the MarketSight system. Learn more about designing data views, editing data, or exporting data views.

Watch this video to learn more.


MarketSight Data Views List Page


Customize Your List Page

  1. Sort columns by clicking on column headers (A)
  2. To change the number of data views shown, adjust the page display size (B)
  3. To hide or show columns, select the columns to be displayed (C)
  4. Filter the list by clicking on column arrows (E) or by searching (D)


Categorize Items

  1. Select the items to be categorized by clicking the check box to the left of their name
  2. Click "Categorize" in the menu bar
  3. If necessary, click New and name the category
  4. Otherwise, select the desired Category


Delete Items

Warning: This step cannot be undone!

  1. Select the checkbox next to the items to be deleted
  2. Click Delete






Last Updated: 7/11/2019